In lieu of flowers, please make donations in Mr. Warnock’s name to: American Cancer Society 801 Broad Street Shrewsbury, NJ 07702
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left a message on June 24, 2007:
Dear Jack; Margarette & Families, Deepest sympathy and sincere condolences on the loss of your Father, especially after just losing your Mother. Many prayers sent for all during this time of mourning. Peace be with you,
left a message on June 24, 2007:
I first met John in 1995 when I joined the Tax Department at Phillips-Van Heusen Corp. John and I immediately became friends. After a year of working together, he retired and I took over his job duties. He was a great help to me with his guidance and advice and I am still in the job today, 11 years later. He always wished success for me. For the past 10 years, John and I have been wonderful friends, meeting for lunch very regularly and talking on the phone. When he turned 75, a couple of us at the office had lunch and cake at my house for him. He was thrilled and we were so glad to be able to share in his life as he so sweetly shared in ours. He always asked about my children (who are now 1 and 4) and made sure to buy presents and a chocolate bunny for my son when he saw him. John is surely one of the most thoughtful people I have ever known. John will be so missed and I can't believe that I won't hear from him anymore. I am so sorry for your loss that you had to lose such a loving and wonderful father. Love, Cheryl
left a message:
Please accept our deepest condolences for your family's loss.
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