Joseph Christopher Steady III was born on July 4th, 1964 and grew up on the shores of Cape May, New Jersey. Joe died suddenly and unexpectedly on February 10, 2022 at the age of 57.
Joe was the son of Joseph and Mary and big brother to Maureen and Jackie. He grew up surfing with his best friend Joe Gilmartin and they traveled to multiple tropical destinations in search of the best waves. He played basketball and soccer in high school and spent his summers at the family motel “The Time and Tide,” while lifeguarding in North Wildwood with his bench-mate and lifelong friend Chris Phillips.
Joe graduated from Rutgers University with a Bachelor of Science degree in mechanical engineering and went on to receive a Master of Business Administration. Joe was a member of the Zeta Psi fraternity and enjoyed the role of social chairman. He was a lifelong government contractor and owned and operated his very successful company – American Government Services.
Joe met Susan during the summer of 1989 at a local shore happy hour and they were inseparable from that instant forward, enjoying 30 years of marriage. He was the very proud father of Austin, Alexa, and Madison. He coached Austin’s travel soccer team for years and they would drop everything to surf, when the waves cooperated. He attended all of Alexa’s after school events and band/chorus concerts despite commuting back and forth to Washington, D.C. during the week. He attended all Madi’s field hockey games and numerous practices – camera and tripod always in hand.
Joe was beyond handy and could fix anything, a perfect match for Susan who lovingly provided him with never ending projects on the houses, barns, boats, cars, and many animals. He loved the simple things in life – good surf, Miller Lite in a bottle, and time spent with loved ones. He was at his happiest on or near the water and entertaining on his pride and joy boat “Therapeuteak”.
His legacy lives on through his loved ones, who hope he will be remembered for the happy, caring, funny, loving, down-to-earth person he was. He was selfless, kind, and always did the right thing – even when no one was looking. He is missed beyond measure by everyone who had the privilege of knowing him.
Joe is survived by his wife, Susan; his children, Austin, Alexa, and Madison; his sister Maureen; sisters-in-law Kimberly and Valerie; brothers-in-law Robert and Alfred; and many cousins, nieces, and nephews.