Visitation for Victoria will be Friday, June 2nd at Star of the Sea Church, 101 Chelsea Avenue, Long Branch. Mass of Christian burial will be Saturday, June 3rd 10:00 am at the church.
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left a message on June 3, 2023:
Querida Victoria gracias te doy por regalarle una amistad tan bonita a mi hija, quien te extraña demasiado y quien nunca olvidará todas las promesas y juegos que hicieron juntas, Gracias a tus papás por tan maravilloso ángel, ahora estás en otro lugar donde nosotros creemos te volveremos a ver, Queridos padres de Victoria; No tengo palabras que ayuden a calmar este dolor tan grande, pero le pido a Dios les de la fuerza y serenidad para continuar, reciban mi más sentido pésame.
Siempre en nuestros corazones, Victoria.🕊️🌷✨
left a message on June 3, 2023:
Rest in paradise beautiful. I'm so sorry for the Flores-Lopez families. I hope you find comfort during this tragic, unimaginable circumstances. Hi
left a message on June 2, 2023:
La comunidad esta llorando. Que descansa en paz esta nina tan preciosa.
left a message on June 2, 2023:
My sincere condolences to Victoria's family and loved ones. I knew her from the GLC STEAM program. She was a bright light extinguished much too soon. May memories be a blessing to all who knew her.
left a message on June 2, 2023:
Victoria was a ray of sunshine at GLC. Seeing her pass my room in the hallway every day always brought a smile to my face. She was a model music student and it was clear how loved she was by her friends. I am so lucky to have been able to teach her and to know her. My thoughts and condolences to her family during this difficult time. Que descanse en paz, niña preciosa ❤
Peace of mind is a call away. We’re here when you need us most.
left a message on May 31, 2023:
My Thoughts and prayers are with all family and friends . May God hold her in the palm of his hands. May the souls of the faithful departed Rest In Peace. Sweet beautiful little girl .
left a message on May 31, 2023:
May God be with you during this time. Sweet Victoria will always have a place in my heart. I am heartbroken. Victoria is a sweet and lovely child. She was a pleasure to have in class. My prayers and love go out to you and your family.
Love, Shannon Ridilla
left a message on May 31, 2023:
Words can’t express how saddened we are to hear of your loss.
left a message on May 31, 2023:
Victoria was a lovely and beautiful soul, she will be greatly missed by all at GLC. My prayers and condolences for Victoria and her family.
left a message on May 31, 2023:
Mi más sentido pésame a la familia en estos tiempos. Que dios la bendiga.
left a message on May 31, 2023:
Victoria was a beautiful and kind-hearted little girl. She will be greatly missed by all of us at GLC School. Love and comfort to the entire family and community at this heartbreaking time.
left a message on May 31, 2023:
Le doy gracias a la vida que me permitio compartir este ano escolar con esta hermosa princesa que ilumino siempre mi clase con su sonrisa y su dulce voz. Mis oraciones para su familia para que encunetren paz y sosiego en estos dificiles momentos y a ti Victoria sabes que te tome mucho carino como tu a mi y que siempre te llevare en mi corazon: Mis Ojitos de Angel! Descansa en paz y cuidanos desde alla!
left a message on May 31, 2023:
Lo siento mucho por su perdida de su angelito.
Dr Carreira
left a message on May 31, 2023:
Siento mucho la perdida de su angelita!
left a message on May 31, 2023:
My prayers go out for you Victoria, and your family during this unimaginable time.
left a message on May 31, 2023:
My Deepest Condolences...Prayers for ALL Family members.
Teacher at Morris Ave School
left a message on May 30, 2023:
Mis condolencias a la familia, Dios les de fuerzas para superar la pérdida de hermosa princesa que ahora es un hermoso ángel.
left a message on May 30, 2023:
Princesa Bella te vamos a extrañar pero hoy sabemos que estás en un lugar mejor mis oraciones para pronto recuperación y mucha fortaleza a la familia te llevaste un pedacito de nuestros corazones al cielo pido a dios que Mores por siempre en las manos del señor. Te queremos mucho😢 ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
left a message:
Please accept our deepest condolences for your family's loss.
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